Monday, March 5, 2012

The Soylent Green Connection

You may not remember the science fiction flick Soylent Green. There's a scene in the movie where Edward G. Robinson's character volunteers to die, and is "treated" to scenes of luscious green pastures and trees, what the Earth used to look like before we polluted our planet to death. Edward sees these scenes on the gigantic screen before him, and sobs.

I've been wondering what I would like to watch on Thursday night, the night before my surgery. And I think it's going to be Moneyball.

That scene where the Oakland A's can win their 20th game in a row and come back from the dead, where they're behind. 9th inning. 2 outs. And Scott Hatterberg steps to the plate. And hits a home run.

When I saw this in the theatre, tears of joy streamed down my face, because I had been there 10 years before, sitting in the stadium seat, but then jumping up, raising my arms, and cheering as loud as I could with 30,000 other rabid fans. Sheer happiness.

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