Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Greatest Weakness

Food. I love it. I'm addicted to it. But not the leafy, green, healthy stuff. More like the meat n' potatoes stuff, bread, the stuff I grew up on.

But you'd know that if you had paying any attention. I don't like to try "diets." I have this fear of winding up like Karen Carpenter. Besides, who likes to struggle and starve?

So I tried Nutrisystem. This is the system where they send you food. I ordered too much food -- one mistake I made -- and ran out of room to put the entrees, the desserts, and the snacks. I think another mistake I made was checking "diabetic," which meant that the food was mainly, well, bland. Boring. You have the option of selecting several things they will NOT send you, and while I found that valuable, there were too many for their lists. The best part is that they have a marvelous tracking system online. But in the end, the food was too bland, too cardboardy, to eat.

I then tried Bistro M.D., which looked like an upscale version of Nutrisystem. These meals you actually put in the freezer, and then pull them out, microwave them (all a standard 2.7 minutes, I learned after practice), and then keep track of what you eat. The tracking system online is non-existent, which was too bad. And I ran out of freezer space very quickly. In the end, however, the food was too bland, not interesting enough.

I am now on a modified Visalus shake system. I like the shake system as long as cherries are in season. You can use orange juice (which has a lot of sugar for my diet), non-fat milk, and fruit to spice it up. It has a very pleasant, slight vanilla taste. Cherries make a fanTAStic shake. But strawberries? Too bland.

I'm still experimenting with this. I like the idea of the shake, because I don't have to cook, I don't have to wander out to a diner, and I know it's good for me. But I've got to find some better fruit to put in the shake.

Monday, October 10, 2011

October Is Health Month

Pardon me for saying this, but I dislike October. The health part. Not the birthday part or the Halloween part, which I love.

For some odd reason, October is often when health issues start calling. I just got a call from my clinic: It's flu shot season. Certainly I signed up for it. (I will take any shot for almost anything. If it means not getting the creeping crud and there's a shot for it, that's a no-brainer decision.)

I got a letter yesterday about my regularly scheduled mammogram. It said I was "overdue" for the check-up. They even stated when I had had the last mammogram: 11 months ago! How often do I have to be prodded and x-rayed? That benign cyst they found in my right breast several years ago keeps paying back dividends, I suppose. It was benign, though. What's the big deal?

At this point, I'm going through everything they request. There are certain things I won't do, I don't want to do and refuse to do. These things are not in that narrow realm.

You know, come to think of it, I think it's time for my every-three-year colonoscopy. Crap.