Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Can't Believe I'm Not Eating Butter!

I love butter. Ask me why I like to eat bagels, bread, challah, corn on the cob, baked potatoes. It's all about lathering on the butter.

But my cholesterol is high. I have to do some things, more things, to reduce my high cholesterol.

I have tried I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, a margarine spread, over at a friend's house. Last night I spread some on challah, and I really liked it. It's not butter, not quite. But it's smooth and very tasty: very close.

So I bought a tub of the Original spread today, and I'm going to shelve the real butter for now.

Here's a comparison chart from the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter (ICBINB) website. Keep in mind that I'm trying out the Original, not the Light. At least not just yet. (And, of course, I'm not being paid by any product or service. This is just my two cents in trying to change some of my habits toward a healthier lifestyle.)

It looks like ICBINB has less sodium, fewer calories, and less cholesterol. That does it for me. Oh, and it adds some Omega 3's in there as well. And it looks like the Light version has fewer calories. I might try that next.

Oh, one more thing: it does look like the ICBINB spread DOES have some trans-fat. But since it's less than half a gram, they're not required to list it.

I just have to figure out now whether I can cook with ICBINB or not.


m.shawn whiteman said...

Good will get used to it, the 'Ican't believe its not butter'. I had to start using it about 2 months ago. Doctor said my 'Big C'(colesteral) had gone up can bake and cook with it. ICBINB melts quicker than butter...'a stitch in time saves nine'????Something like that...I just know every second saved is a good thing!!! Keep up the good work!!Oh, I too have a supply in my refer, it is good on toast! See ya,msw

Dawn Kepler said...

Can you cook with the lite ICBINB?

Dawn Kepler said...

can you bake with the lite ICBINB? That would be something!

Linda said...

Good question: can you cook with the light versions. Here's the official "answer" from the ICBINB website:

"You may bake and fry with your I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! regular tubs and quarters. To achieve desired baking results, we recommend using a spread that contains at least 60% vegetable oil while continuing to use the lower fat products for spreading or topping.

Yes, I know: that answer doesn't answer the question. I'm assuming they mean that all versions of their product are good for cooking, as all contain 60% vegetable oil. But I don't know that for sure.