Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Walking for Your Health

My friend called again today, trying to get me out walking.

We made a pact to walk together at least twice a week. That's not so much, right? But between the two of us, and our busy schedules, it's been tough.

The morning's are colder now. The evenings come sooner, so there are fewer hours in which to walk in the safety of sunlight. Still, those are all excuses.

Walkers have been shown to have less incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other diseases. For more specific information on how walking helps with each of these, look at this website.

I'm determined to walk today, somehow. Tomorrow is another question.


Dawn Kepler said...

It is NOT cold in the mornings yet! not at all. When it gets cold, just layer. Walking warms you up. And it's worth being a little cold at first because you're a lot healthier later.

Linda said...

As I recall, YOU're the one who whines when it's cold! I'm the one who whines when it's hot.

Maybe we could split the difference...