Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Isn't All About Cancer, You Know...

My knee gave me a fit at Disney World. We walked something like an average of 5 miles a day. My knee constantly hurt, especially when I climbed up (and fell from) the train steps. And the three blisters didn't help, either.
I made an appointment with Dr. Miller as soon as I got back. I couldn't feel it, but she felt some grating and some warmth from swelling. Today -- this afternoon -- I am scheduled for a cortisone shot. It helped last time.
For the life of me, though, I can't remember whether it was the left knee or right knee that got the cortisone shot last time. This was maybe 4-5 years ago. It does matter, because you're only supposed to get a maximum of 2 shots per body area. After that, cortisone does bad things. Actually, cortisone can do bad things to you anyway. I have a few friends for which that's true.
The stupid thing is, today the knee feels pretty good. It's felt pretty good the last two days. So, instead of the 8 pain level I reported last week, it's about a 3.
But I think I'll shut up about that unless directly asked. I still want that shot.

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