Monday, May 18, 2009

Book Review: The Adventures of Cancer Bitch, by S.L. Wisenberg

The Adventures of Cancer Bitch was a collection of blog entries made into a book. But, actually, if you hadn't known that up front, you never would have guessed it.

Cancer picks strange bedfellows. Wisenberg is a writer in her late forties or so who is afraid and determined all at once. This is her chronicle of dealing with the news, dealing with the inevitable mastectomy, dealing with the chemo and loss of hair, dealing with her friends. She's outgoing, but cancer drives her inside. Despite all this, she's relentlessly witty, asking the questions we are afraid to ask, and often providing the answers.

It's well written, easy to follow, wonderful to read. For those who are going through this hell, it's a worthy read. For those who know someone who has, it's enlightening.

1 comment:

Cancer Bitch said...

And btw, I ate chewy ginger candy before and during chemo. Maybe that helped.
I will be reading at the Cancer Resource Center in Oakland at 6:30 on July 16.