Thursday, February 5, 2009

Justice Ginsburg Has Cancer

I heard today that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has pancreatic cancer.

Forgive me, but the first thing I thought of was, "Oh, my God. She's going to die."

Turns out they think they caught it early. The very fact that they operated to remove a small tumor told me that they think she has a good chance of recovery. My father had pancreatic cancer, and, like so many struck by this mostly fatal disease, he died from it a month after discovery. Because they usually find it late.

Here's what the L.A. Times said: "The cancer is one of the most lethal of diseases, but the fact that the Supreme Court justice underwent surgery is encouraging, a doctor says. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer today. The court said the cancer, which is one of the most lethal of diseases, was in its early stages."

We wish Justice Ginsburg luck. We know she has the best medical care possible.

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