I was finally able to find the time and patience to take my new glucose meter out of the package, plug in the key code wand, and get it going. It's not like the old days, when this used to be simple.
This morning, my blood sugar level was at 113, the best it's been since, well, I don't remember when. Right before the surgery, I was averaging in the 130's, which I thought was pretty bad, as before that spell, I was averaging in the mid-120's. I'm thrilled. That means that my eating regime is paying off.
Thanks to a dear friend, we have a first-night Passover seder to attend tonight. I'm not sure how long I'll last. Seders are usually looong, somewhere between 3 - 5 hours. I still get tired easily. And walking up the long, steep driveway to her house will take a lot out of me.
But I'm leaving Egypt tonight. Exodus.
rominatrix: Sherlock and his nape curl ♥ s2
Sherlock and his nape curl ♥ s2
9 years ago
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