Food. I love it. I'm addicted to it. But not the leafy, green, healthy stuff. More like the meat n' potatoes stuff, bread, the stuff I grew up on.
But you'd know that if you had paying any attention. I don't like to try "diets." I have this fear of winding up like Karen Carpenter. Besides, who likes to struggle and starve?
So I tried Nutrisystem. This is the system where they send you food. I ordered too much food -- one mistake I made -- and ran out of room to put the entrees, the desserts, and the snacks. I think another mistake I made was checking "diabetic," which meant that the food was mainly, well, bland. Boring. You have the option of selecting several things they will NOT send you, and while I found that valuable, there were too many for their lists. The best part is that they have a marvelous tracking system online. But in the end, the food was too bland, too cardboardy, to eat.
I then tried Bistro M.D., which looked like an upscale version of Nutrisystem. These meals you actually put in the freezer, and then pull them out, microwave them (all a standard 2.7 minutes, I learned after practice), and then keep track of what you eat. The tracking system online is non-existent, which was too bad. And I ran out of freezer space very quickly. In the end, however, the food was too bland, not interesting enough.
I am now on a modified Visalus shake system. I like the shake system as long as cherries are in season. You can use orange juice (which has a lot of sugar for my diet), non-fat milk, and fruit to spice it up. It has a very pleasant, slight vanilla taste. Cherries make a fanTAStic shake. But strawberries? Too bland.
I'm still experimenting with this. I like the idea of the shake, because I don't have to cook, I don't have to wander out to a diner, and I know it's good for me. But I've got to find some better fruit to put in the shake.
rominatrix: Sherlock and his nape curl ♥ s2
Sherlock and his nape curl ♥ s2
9 years ago