A new UCLA analysis of a group of studies (as reported in RemedyLife magazine, Summer 2009) as published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association concludes that "drinking at least three cups of green or black tea a day can slash your risk of stroke by 21 percent."
And it doesn't seem to matter how much tea you drink: the benefits keep on coming. "Each increase of three cups is associated with a 21 percent reduction in risk," says lead author Lenore Arab, Ph.D., a professor of medicine and biological chemist at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
She believes the effect may be due to the amino acid theanine. "It is almost exclusively in tea, and it's nearly 100 percent absorbed," says Dr. Arab.
RemedyLife suggests we aim for six cups throughout the day for the greatest benefit.
rominatrix: Sherlock and his nape curl ♥ s2
Sherlock and his nape curl ♥ s2
9 years ago